Monday, December 27, 2010

Marry (Me) Christmas

This Christmas had every promise of being the epitome of mediocre. It was my first Christmas away from my family, I was (am?) broke as hell, and I was supposed to work the day before, and the day after. I knew it was going to be tough, but it couldn't be all bad. I had a cute tree with presents underneath, it was my Boyfriend's birthday, and I knew I'd be going to my Grandma's house for Christmas snacks in the afternoon. By Christmas Eve, it was anyone's guess how the "Big Day" was really going to pan out.

Christmas Eve day was a doozy. I ended up having the day off work, which would've been nice, except apparently the salon was super busy. Also, Brady had to work, so I just stayed home and cleaned the house. The night before I had talked to my mom about possibly making the 4 hour drive to her house, but decided I didn't want to leave Brady home alone on his Birthday. I was just kind of bummed. Then Brady came home from work and did a fantastic job of cheering me up. We went to Chili's for dinner, where one of our friends was working, and he hooked us up with some delicious grub. Later, we went to his grandparents house for some snacks, and Christmas/Birthday hugs, and got our traditional "Christmas Eve PJ's". We ended our night by getting wine-smashed and watching (and quoting every line from) 'Christmas Vacation'.

I awoke Christmas morning to Brady gently shaking me, saying "Wake up!! It's time to open PRESENTS!!!".We got up, and I proceeded to give him all of his Christmas/Birthday presents from my family and I. After opening 5 or 6 gifts, he looked at me and asked, "Don't you want to open one!?" Unfazed, and totally content with watching him open things, I said, "Oh, sure..." I didn't see anything under the tree from him, so I wasn't entirely sure how he would materialize this gift, but I wasn't too worried, I had alot to open from my family. Before I knew it, he was holding a ring box in his hand. Hesitantly taking it, I shot him a questioning glance. "This is your present..." he said "and I was wondering... Will you marry me?" Before I even realized what was happening, I had jumped on him, and was bawling my eyes out. "OF COURSE!!! OH MY GOD OF COURSE!!!" Was all I could think to say... I couldn't (and still, kind of can't) believe it!! I have known for years that I want to marry this boy, but was biding my time before I starting bugging him about it. Now, my dreams are coming true!! I have spent 3 amazing years with Brady, and now, I get to marry him and spend the rest of my life with him!

My beautiful engagement ring! It is SO perfect!
The rest of the day was fantastic! We went to brunch at Brady's uncle's house, saw Tron (which was terrible), went to see my grandma, and in the evening, we went to one of our new favorite bar "Piper Down". I guess what I am saying is, it went from having "terrible Christmas" potential, to being the best Christmas of my life!!!

So, don't be surprised if this blog turns into a "Blah Blah Blah, My Wedding..." kind of blog for the next little while... It's not like anyone really reads it anyway...


Em said...

Congrats!!!!!! And everyone likes to read about exciting wedding stuff plus who cares what people think anyway! So happy for you!!!

Unknown said...

I AM SO EXCITED FOR YOU!!! AHHH!!!! :D I can't wait to read more!! Give me more!!!!! I LOVE WEDDINGS!! And you ;) AND CONGRATS!!! *Ok.. I did all I could to not jump up and down and scream for joy and I haven't seen you in like 5 years! I'm just silly! :D